Vascular Foot Assessment PAD

Poor circulation or reduced blood flow to the legs and feet is called Peripheral arterial disease or PAD for short.  It is caused by fatty plaque deposits that build up in the arteries.  Over time the artery walls thicken and harden resulting in them narrowing, limiting blood flow to the legs and feet. 

PAD occurs in the arteries in the legs but can indicate a more widespread condition which can reduce blood flow to the heart and brain, increasing the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Vascular assessment

A vascular assessment is a painless and non-invasive examination conducted by a podiatrist to evaluate the blood circulation in the lower limb, specifically focusing on the feet and toes. The primary purpose of this assessment is to aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) or peripheral vascular disease (PVD). By assessing the pulse and blood flow, any abnormalities or irregularities can be identified. This assessment is essential in determining the progression and severity of the disease, enabling the podiatrist to assess potential risks accurately. In turn, appropriate patient education and referrals can be provided, if necessary, as peripheral arterial disease can heighten the risk of complications and hinder the healing process in the event of foot injuries.


If you have signs or symptoms of PAD or for the following:

Have Diabetes

People with Vascular Disease

People with poor circulation

You are over 60 years of age

Pain in your calf when walking, (but goes away with rest),

Unexplained leg pain 

Skin wounds or ulcers on your legs or feet that are slow to heal (or that do not heal for weeks)

Have been or currently are a smoker.

Cold feet and toes, cramping or pain at night in bed that often disturbs your sleep.

Experience numb feet

Many people do not experience any symptoms therefore do not know they have the disease. 

Firstly, you will be asked about your medical history and any possible symptoms and severity of the disease. 

A vascular assessment at VS Podiatry involves the following: 

Visual assessment

this includes assessment of the skin tone and integrity, hair growth, oedema, varicosities as well as other markers of vascular health.

Palpate the pulses in your feet.

Doppler assessment This is done to help locate non palpable pulses, listen, and analyse the waveform of the pulse.

If indicated, Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) The blood pressure at the ankle is taken to assess for abnormal blood pressures.